We want to vindicate the creative industry as an important engine of the economy, focusing our work on communication with a gender and human rights perspective, in this way we create new realities and promote the development of decent employment, making our work impact the well-being of the most vulnerable sectors of Chile and the region.
We are a company that moves us by vocation, the desire to grow, social commitment, love for the job, desire to learn, passion and synergy that are generated in work spaces free of gender discrimination.

Atípica wants to be recognized nationally and internationally as an organization that is committed to changing the world towards a more sustainable, sustainable and humane model.


End all forms of discrimination against all women
and girls all over the world
At Atípica we work to include the gender perspective in all our services, which helps us create new communication realities where women and girls are made visible without gender discrimination.

Promote inclusive economic growth
and sustainable, employment and decent work for all.
Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, the creation of decent jobs, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and foster the formalization and growth of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial services
As an organization we promote and enhance the creation of decent employment, which is why 100% of our national suppliers are located in regions with a high level of vulnerability according to the Casen 2020 report, which helps to enhance the economic development of these sectors .
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